Well...the black snake apparently is a mainstay here. He comes out every morning and sun himself in the same spot. I'm not freaking anymore and actually go check in the mornings to see if he's there. My mom and I names him Bentley. lol
I've also been feeding the birds down on the dock and one of the birds (i think it's a gull) hovers just over my head and I toss him food. He catches it in the air, then flies right back and hovers over my head. It's the coolest thing....i'm feeding them dog food lol and they love it.
It's been so fun getting to know the species of birds in Florida. I even picked up a bird guide at a garage sale so I can identify them. Mom and I put up bird feeders around the resort and we are having a blast watchin them. We have red headed woodpeckers that come to the suet regularily now. Do I sound like a nerd?? hahahahaha
Well off to the garage sales...it's Friday!! WooooHooo

Oh, please pick me up on your way by for the garage sales today! Hope you find lots of great treasures!
I wanna go to the rummage sales too!!
Birds are so fun to watch. My cat thinks so too... no feeders in my yard.
Ok I want to go to the garage sales too! Take a camera with you sometime. You would be surprised at the odd things people put up for sale.
Here is a great place to learn about birds too!
Hope you got some great finds at the sales!
I love feeding the birds. I don't know an Oriole from a Finch, but I do like them all! You are going to have that gull begging at your front door now - lol!
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