One day, mid winter a couple years ago, I was photographing a male and female cardinal that showed up alot at my birdfeeder. I started calling them Mister and Misses. I wasn't getting a good enuff photo from the window. It was freezing outside so I was trying to catch them thru the dirty screen. I got this brilliant idea to take the screen off my bay window, sit on the ledge and photograph them. So I did of course, furnace running and my dog shivering.
I leaned too far and fell out the window!! Flat on my face in the and all. hahahaha But I did get some good photos!
So in honor of the cardinal I heard yesterday, I'm going to share the poem I wrote about my cardinals...Mister and Misses:
Mister flies in first and when the coast is clear
Misses flies in, beneath him, but near.
Ever so watchful, he looks after his love
They're as close a fit, as a hand to a glove.
Misses wanders around and pecks at the feast,
not bothered by Mister at all, not in the least.
He protects her and tends to fuss and hover,
keeping close, but back under the bramble cover.
And when he thinks the Misses is almost through,
down he goes to join her as if on que.
Still keeping an eye on the joy of his life,
after all, his Misses compares to a wife.
Happy and content, Misses flies up,
Mister follows quick and abrupt.
Settled on a limb, leafless and long,
the two burst out in a beautiful song.
They will raise their young, together as one,
When the icy snow melts and the winter is done.
Their love fills the air, what an amazing pair.
Suddenly take flight and soar away,
Mister and Misses will be back to enjoy another day.

beautiful poem. I have always loved watching the cardinals.
That is a really nice poem. I love bird watching... so does my cat. We don't have any bird feeders in the yard because he is a really good "birder"
What a lovely little bird love poem. And you've been missed! I hope that you'll find Florida a wonderful place to live as well. (I'll be moving more south myself in a few months!)
Flat on yo face huh? Oooops. What a lovely poem and picture of mr. & mrs.
You are such a lucky girl to be able to have coffee with your Mom and Dad. And then you make me jealous with the cardinals....pity po me. I just love cardinals but we ain't got none in Nuevo Mejico. Not enough moisture and not the right kind of buggies and good stuff to munch on I guess. I used to love to go to my Mom's folkes in Tenn. for all the wild life we didn't have here. But the cardinals and their songs are the bestest....shhhish, that and the orange trees. I guess you win the prize.
gotta share the vert word, it's a real like Seek and ye shall find and sometimes when I get there, I forget why I went.
THAT is one funny story. I love it.
And here you are the poet, and I didn't even know it.
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