I made a new homemade incense and I really liked it so I thought I would share it. It's a combination of herbs and oils for relaxation and it just plain puts you in a good mood.

In a bowl mix 5 fingered pinches of the following dried herbs:
Rose Petals
Add 5 drops each of:
Rose Ess. Oil
Lavender Ess. Oil
Add a heaping teaspoon of salt peter. (If you don't have salt peter, that's alright, just use a charcoal circle)
Mix well and put about a tablespoon in a metal dish or bowl and light.

I wish I had salt peter...I would be slipping it in to the kids meals. I have two extremely hormonal teens right now and maybe that might settle them down.
Sounds lovely!
Youuuuu Whooooo, where are you? I miss you, come out, come out where ever you are.
Well I'll just leave a voicemail....ur darling girl, just dropping by to say...Happy Sisterfriend's Day, my Sista. Hope all is going well, love you, miss you, Well Okay, I gotta go before this thing beeps and you don't get the res
Okay so it must be something traumatic that is keeping you for being here.....and I just wanted you to know, I'm thinking of you and sending soothing thoughts and prayers your way.
((((hugs)))) until next time
vert word is tatero....it's a mini tatoo....
I wanted to let you know that I am following you from MBC, "Under a 100 Followers" group. I am hoping when you get a chance you can follow me back at http://www.britneysbeautyblog.com and http://www.britneysbeautymark.com. Also, I wanted to know if you would be interested in doing a link exchange with my sites and yours. Please let me know and leave a link to your website Also, it has been nice meeting you via the web.
Thanks, Tracey
Funny story. My blog just turned TWO! Whoot! I read somewhere that two is really like TWENTY in Blog Years. Anyway, I went back..way back to those early days when my blog was a baby. I read the stories...and WOW, I was pretty green back then. Then I read the comments and there YOU were! Cool! So THANKS for supporting me "back then" and stop back by for a peek of me two years later. Thanks!
Hey WOW! It's been a while since you posted. I hope all is ok with your move and you are getting settled. Believe me, it's been 5 months and we are still unpacking over here!
Just wanted to stop in and say Hi!!
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