She chocked on her coffee and said "are you kidding me?" Well no...why?
She told me that the orange trees are full of thorns and the workers get bit quite often by snakes. Eeeeeeeew ummm okay thanks!! lol
On the other hand...I've also been watching them fly over the groves in planes spraying pesticides and I'm sure they get into the oranges no matter how much they are rinsed after being picked. And we are probably drinking the pesticides right out of the carton that costs an arm and a leg these days. So I'm goin to be passing on the oj now lol
But I'm told when the trees blossom the smell is downright orgasmic so I can't wait to experience that part. lol Enuff about oranges...i'm rambling now lol

Our orange tree is in full swing right now! So very yummy.
Hi Tamara, welcome back!!!!! yes reading this post on orange groves reminds me of that post I did a while back on how that orange juice in the carton is made. This goes right along with that. Now I wonder if you will get an email from the Citrus Growers of Florida or whatever in hell that group was that contacted me about my post Lol!!
Glad to have you back!!!
I am so happy you are back in blogdom. I have missed your sweet self something fierce. Sebring huh? I've never been to FL. When my bro and sis were young my Mom lived there with them near Indian River, whereva that is.
I do love the smell of orange blossoms. Wow what a change of scenery for you. How great it is that you are there helping your little brother.
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. (((((hugs)))))))until next time
Welcome back. I had to look at this twice when you said Florida. Last time you were in MN. Now I envy you big time.
Oranges: Yum!
Pesticides! Yuck!!
Whoa. I've gone orange picking before. THANK GOD I never saw a snake. It would have been heart attack city for me!!
Good to "see" you!
My folks are heading to my Auntie's in California, and I told them not to come home without a trunkfull of oranges! Yum!
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