This morning The Ladies Club is having their annual garage sale and she said there was some "good stuff" there last year. lol She's so cute.....
I love garage sales and its so funny when other people think what they have is junk and to me it's a total treasure. In fact, I've decorated and set up my little cottage here solely on garage sale and junk store finds and everyone that comes in calls it a "doll house". :)
And one thing I've learned from my hubby is the art of negotiation....well lol if you don't ask you don't get a lower price! lol
Here is some of my ultimate garage sale finds over the years:
A mens solid gold coin ring surrounded by diamonds - $1.00 (the ring was worth about $500)
A 30 gallon fish tank with stand, heater, filter and all the goodies - $5.00
4 large windows of pink and white long sheers - $1.00
Antique carnival glass candy dish - $1.00 (I collect carnival glass, turned out the candy dish was actually worth $480)
Antique dressing table - $5.00
Antique secretary desk - $30.00 (these are worth hundreds!)
Write me a comment and tell me about some of your ultimate finds. I love this stuff!!!

I don't garage sale, but my mother in law does and she has gotten all sorts of great stuff.
Tamara, I think we were separated at birth! I love garage saling too! My mom and I go together but we have found that the earlier the better. We are out the door around 7:30 am for the sales that start at 8:00. we don't knock on doors but have been known to "help" the sellers unpack their boxes and set up their tables Lol!.
Best find was a Victorian Mourning Necklace 14K gold genuine aquamarine and seed pearls, late 1800's for less than $1
Looking forward to reading the rest of your comments
I bought a 14k gold ring with diamond baguettes for $1. I wear it every day with my wedding ring!
I love yard sales.... such treaures to be found when you least expect it....
I luv thrifting and garage saling also. It is how I find all my goodies for assemblage art. It is also how I made a living last year. I bought low and sold on Ebay. I was able to do quite well. The best buy I made was a Madame Alexander 1954 Cissy doll with original dress, shoes, the whole shebang for $20.00. I sold the dress and etc. for over $800.00 dollars, the doll in her undies for $325.00. Yeah for me.
Too funny about the males in our lives and Vicks..tee hee.
vert word: madiaer...I tell ya sometimes people bugging me can make me madiaer and madiaer. My granddaughter is home from school today wanting to do blogging with me, looking over my shoulder and she says that because of the vert word remark, I am the mad hatter.
Using the newspaper for garage sales is a thing of the past... there are a handful of garage sale listing/mapping sites out there. I happen to think mine is the best: GarageSaleFinder. Not only can you see where the sales are on a map, but you can print out the list, complete with turn-by-turn directions from sale to sale, or export the data to use on a GPS device.
Tamara, would you please email me at Thanks.
I've got an award for you over at
Don't forget to come and accept it :)
Blessings x
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