Homemade "Vicks" Vapor Rub
In a crockpot or double boiler on high, drop two huge tablespoons of vaseline and 2 T of beeswax.
When melted together, turn off the heat and add:
10 drops of peppermint oil
10 drops of wintergreen oil
3 drops of tea tree oil
10 drops of eucalyptus oil
5 drops of thyme oil
Break open 2 Vitamin E capsule and pour that in.
Blend well and pour into a sterilized glass jar and let set.
Cap tight and use for congestion and colds.
Hope you all have a blessed and sunny day :)

Got a funny to share about Vicks. When my SM was a kid (the oldest of 8), his grandmother who was Apache Indian, would visit them and stay for a couple of months at a time. She used "old cures". Some I guess where kinda different but she really believed in using Vicks. Said it smelled like "feeling better". For 38 years SM has used Vicks at bedtime when he isn't feeling up to snuff. Sometimes its just that he has had a crap day and wants to feel better. Power of smell, power of suggestion and the power of a grandmother's love. The power of 3. And you make the homemade kind....perfection.
((((hugs))) until next time
Thanks for dropping by. I love making absolutely everything I can myself but I've never tried a homemade Vicks before, will definitely give it a go, thanks for sharing x
Now how about that! I'll be sure to remember this for the next emergency.
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