Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekend Hangover

Wow!! Crazy Crazy Weekend!! As you've probably noticed, I'm not writing my blog in the middle of the night today. lol  I actually got 6 straight hours of sleep last night. Yay!! A first since Ayla's puppies were born, they sleep from 2 to 8 today.  I'm hoping their eyes will open soon...they are 9 days old now...should be anytime I'm told.  I just want to see those cute little brown eyes :)

And.....we decided to let our daughter come back home.  I picked her up on Friday night and it's been kind of crazy.  For those of you that don't know about my daughter here is the scenario.....she was a very beautiful girl, popular, active, danceline plus hip hop/jazz at studio, high school football cheerleader and mentor......then the drugs and a bad crowd happened.  She started with pot and slowly moved her way to mushrooms, snorting prescription drugs, drinking...well you get the picture.  In the past two years, we've beeen thru two suicide attempts, 3 hospitals stays, counceling, psychiatrists and inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab.   It's been a rollercoaster ride that's for sure.  Well a month ago, I found out she'd done mushrooms again, so I kicked her out of our home.  My intent was tough love and I had hoped she would finally hit a rock bottom and want to get better.  We think she has finally got to that point, she literally had nothing.  No job, no car, no money, no friends.  So she is back home and we all have renewed hope that this will be the end of it.  I've missed her so bad, she's my only daughter and we've always been so close.

And last but not least, I survived another birthday yesterday!!! LOL  The worst of it this year tho was that my HUSBAND ACTUALLY FORGOT MY BIRTHDAY!!! I finally reminded him late afternoon yesterday, he is still in Colorado and you should have heard the utter shock and horror in his voice. lol  And being the good wife I am, I made him apologize and graval for a good 15 minutes until I accepted his apology.  I did get a great extra gift out of the deal tho. LOL  Gotta love this middle aged love thing. lol And btw, he had to remind my oldest son too!! So Happy Birthday to me! lol

Girly Comments & Graphics

So I face today with renewed gumption and vigor, another year older and wonder what the week will bring. LOL


Menopausal New Mom said...

Happy Birthday to you! I so hope that your daughter can give you the best gift of all, her sobriety and renewed enthusiasm for the endless possibilities that now lay ahead for her!

Amy said...

Happy late Birthday.. I hope your daughter stays on the right track..

Rue said...

Happy Birthday - I hope you get a really good gift now!

I hope your daughter heals and makes better choices for herself. It's good that she's with you again.

MrsBlogAlot said...

Happy Birthday Tamara!!

15 minutes???????? 15 minutes?????????

Man you are a good wife!!!!! Mine would have suffered for days!!!!


Matty said...

Happy belated birthday. Mine was the 17th.

Foursons said...

Wow- I hope your daughter is able to push through the temptations this time. That is not an easy road to walk- kudos to you too for enduring during her trials.