I need opinions today.....
If your son/daughter doesn't get up and go to school in the morning, should they be allowed to go to work that day or have any extra~curricular activities??
If your son/daughter didn't get their license because of bad grades, should you be the one that still drives them all over the place with no offer for gas??
My little darling doesn't think school is for him. LOL He only has to go to school 3 hours in the morning and that's just too much to ask apparently. Then he thinks it's okay to get up and go run around with his friends then go to work. I'm not allowing it, so I'm the bad guy!!
Please take a minute and tell me what you think so I'm not sitting here thinking I'm Attila the Hun. lol Thanks!!!
Hey, It's Okay
6 hours ago
It's always been our rule that if you do not go to school you do nothing else that day. With that said, if they are able to work, they are probably teenagers and that's another story!! Good luck!
I think you are by far doing the right thing. If he has enough energy to run around town all day with his buds before work then he has enough energy and is well enough to go to school 3 hours! =)
And oh yeah he would so be paying me gas money if it was his fault he didn't have a license. If he knew the outcome of getting bad grades was going to be no license well then he needs to pay for it.
Your son would hate me then. I'm one who wouldn't allow him to go out and work/play etc if he was too ill for school. As for not getting a license due to bad grades, not only would he pay towards gas, he would have to do extra schoolwork to bring up those grades, possibly even quitting his job so he doesn't have that distraction (I am the evil mommy)
If your child did not go to school because they are not feeling well then they should be at home I think all day long. If they did not go to school then why should they do anything else Right? Or will they get in trouble at work?
My brother was one who did not get great grades in our house. My parents just drove him to work and school and that was it. I would do the same thing.
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Oh my word - you are NOT the bad guy - we too are having issues with our two 15 yo's at home and I'm about to literally lose my mind completely - hang in there mom - you're doing the right thing and you are not alone! xoxoxo
Kids have to learn responsibility. If they don't have their license because of issues that are within their control to change, then they need to find their own transportation. Not sure about your first one, if it's just pure laziness then they should have to miss out on work and/or anything they perceive as "fun" too. They have to learn there are consequences for their actions......sounds like you are on the right track!
Yeah, if you don't go to school, you don't do anything else.
That's how it was for me growing up and that's how it is now for my kids.
Thank you so much everyone! It's great to know that I'm not alone in the way I'm handling the situation with my son. :)
Yay! Moms United!! LOL :)
If you are Attila then I must be Vlad. No way...You are right.
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