I get tension headaches sometimes, mostly from just being a mom and dealing with all the daily trials and tribulations. I also get wife headaches occasionally too. There are a some headache remedies I use that I wanted to share with you, keep an open~mind....and try them, they really do work. :) (of course, if you have an underlying problem, please talk to your doctor and make sure you don't have allergies to any of these suggestions also)
Most of mine are in my neck and shoulders but I get the occasional forehead one too, these rememdies work for both.
Peppermint Essential Oil~This is what I reach for first! It does absolute wonders! Shake a few drops into your hand and massage into your neck and shoulders. It gets down into your muscles and feels so cool and good, the sensation is awesome. Takes it away fast.
Olbas Oil~This has been a life saver. I found this at our local co-op (health food store but I know vitamin stores sell it too). Its a combination of oils including euclyptus and it really works. You can massage a few drops into the headache area, or a few drops into a warm bath. This also clears out sinuses and works great if you have a sinus headache or a cold.
Amethyst Stone~Hold the stone in your left hand (if your right handed) and absorb the healing energies of the amethyst. Then place the stone where your headache is and let the stone absorb the pain out.
Rose Quartz Bath~This is my very favorite crystal/stone. It has an amazing ability to calm and relax when you hold it. I keep rose quartz in my purse, in the bathroom and several other places. Run a warm bubble bath, turn off the lights and light a pink candle. Drop a rose quartz crystal into the water, sit back and relax. When you are ready, hold the rose quartz in your left hand and feel the calm and relaxing feeling coming up thru your hand and spread throughout your body. Pull the plug on the bath, stretch out your right hand towards the drain and let all the troubles and tensions go out thru it and down the drain with the water. I always feel so refreshed, renewed and headache gone after I've down this.
Frozen Vege's~Go to the freezer and grab a bag of frozen vege's. Place this on your forehead or neck. The cold with shrink your muscles and help your headache. I use this when I'm feeling like I need cold.
Flax Seed Bag~I bought these flax seed bags on the internet years ago and they are used over and over again. Warm the bag up in the microwave and place where your headache is. The combination of heat and the healing property of flax seed really helps with pain.
Bribe Your Kids~Pay your kids to give you a shoulder massage or promise them a trip to McDonalds if they can take your headache away. lol
Hey, It's Okay
6 hours ago
Hey, I like the bribe your kids one Lol!
My husband took a course in acupuncture and showed me some pressure points, the best one being in the little V between your thumb and index finger. Me? I just reach for the tylenol Lol!
Thanks for the tips...
Have a great weekend.
Thanks for the advice, most I never heard of before. :)
I think the bribe the kids is awesome. I don't suffer from headaches but a good foot rub would be nice.
I see the remedy my hubby recommends didn't make the list...thank goodness!
I love the bribe one!
Really, frozen veggies? That sounds great! I often get tension headaches in the forehead, so hopefully this will work for me!
Oooh, I'm going to give some these a shot. Great advice, thanks.
Whoo Hoo I'm your 100th Follower! =)
I started telling my wife about this article and her first words were "peppermint". She gets a lot of headaches.
Did you know that I have a headache right now and I was just going to finish reading your blog and then take something? I actually do have peppermint oil so I'm going to try that. Thank you so much!
We do the veggies one all the time, great for migraines! I'm going to try the peppermint one as soon as I remember to buy it. (Hmmm...it may be a while.)
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