I've also decided to go back to living my life as a vegetarian. It's a two fold reason....they do such scary things to our food these days from feeding cattle hormone growth induced corn to forcing chickens to grow to adulthood in a month and a half! I have chickens and I know it takes at least 4 months for them to reach adulthood. Beef recalls every other week, people dying from e-coli, it's not "if" you get cancer, it's "when". Anyway...I could go on and on but we all know what has happened to our food...it's all about big money and big corporations and they don't give a shit if we get sick or die from it, as long as we buy it. So I've decided to not give them one more penny of our hard earned money for their hormone induced processed "food".
And the other reason is...I just feel better. I feel healthier, thinner and I have a whole lot more energy. I'm not and never have been fanatical about it...in fact I rarely even talk about being vegetarian, but I just felt the need to this morning. lol
Sorry I missed the letter. I am glad that they are going to get their acts together. Pop with cookies. Sounds good. Have a great day..
Tamara, I think two posts would be okay. I will never be able to live without meat. This is my favorite time of year though. Venison is in and it is sooo much better than any beef. I wish you luck on the vegetarian thing. Just what ever you do...don't post "yummy" tofu or soy recipes... "YUCK!"
Good for you for reading the letter to you kids. I am sure it was not easy but necessary. Because of your posting, I talked to my grown daughter, first about your situation and that gave me an introduction to "now get your shit together" part of our conversation. She agreed, has been much more pleasant and I hope it has opened dialog for us to keep the air clear while we (out of necessity) co habitate in my house. Thanks for your strength. Linda in New Mexico
The word to get this posted is fideesu, that's what you say to a fifty year old person named Sue???? Oh my I am sleep deprived. Sorry, I just am kinda mentally working through these idiot non words we have to type.
Hi Tamara, glad things have settled down with the kids. Bet they had a real wake up call when they heard some of our comments.
About being vegetarian, don't forget to do your research on the orange juice that I wrote about, it's not just the meat getting overly processed, it's nearly everything. Pretty soon we will be eating like rabbits and only eating lettuce and carrots that we grow ourselves!
wow, i'm really glad they actually listened to your letters to them. i hope things continue to improve. i hope you'll share some veg recipes with us!
I think I will finally make the jump to labeling myself a vegetarian with the new year. I really won't miss anything but bacon. But MAN, will I miss bacon.
Dang.....someone reading my letter. Wow. I hope it helped.
I've never been a vegetarian, and I don't know about ever starting. I'll have to think on that one. But if it's working for you, then go for it.
I'm thinking about trying vegetarian too.....or only eating meat that is raised safely and locally.
I did read your letters, even though I didn't comment, and I am glad you read them to your kids! I hope you continue to see them do better!
Hi Tamara, just noticed I can't find your email so thought I would post a little info on that Orange Juice post. I received an email the other day from the Director of Public Relations from the Florida Dept. of Citrus. She also left a new comment on my blog to point out how nutritious the juice is and how it's made under strict regulated guidelines. She didn't argue with one point I made though so that just goes to show, I got it right! Her comment is the last one on that Orange Juice post if you want to check it out.
I agree. I feel so much better when I stay with the veggies. And that meats make me sluggish. I am glad your getting back on the health wagon for your own good. I need to do the same to.
By the way, thanks for being my newest follower.
"I just had to kick some much needed MOM BUTT!! lol"
Please explain... Where is [and has been] the DAD KICKING BUTT? I can't imagine any parent, putting up with all this, from the kids. But especially I can't imagine a father putting up with it.
Yeah...veggie-girl...you know that I must approve!
I so want to be a veggie lover. Totally I have been cutting meat down in our house to the dismay of the entire family. I explained to them we will be eating more veggies, less processed food, and less meat... you would have thought I told them they were going to die or something because even Jeff (my boyfriend) was like WTH! um no! I said well this is what I am making buddy.. don't like it cook your own crap LMAO
good decision I totally agree our food are so scary.
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