We ended up going to the casino yesterday and it was not a good thing. We all lost money and it was waaaay too crowded. I actually did hit $200 on one machine, but then over time lost it in other machines one at a time plus gave out $20's to the kids. Oh well...good thing we only go up there a couple times a year. lol
On Christmas Day we all went to my sisters house, we take turns having it every year and my brother flew up from Florida. Whenever we get together, we revert back to being kids and act like we're 10!! hahahahaha So we decided to go outside and build a snowman. We put on hats and mittens and i soooooo don't do hats, I look like a complete idiot!! So of course my brother, PJ, grabs his cell and takes the most hideous picture of Wendi and I that I've ever seen in my life!!!!! I mean it's sooooooo bad we all went into a laughing fit and I had to run to the bathroom!! lol I looked like I was bald, my eyes are scwenched up, my mouth is open and i look like i'm giving birth. Hideous! We made our snowman anatomically correct of course and Wendi had a fit and made us take it down cuz she didn't want the "neighbors" to see it. hahahaha
The next day Wendi and PJ came out to my house so we could go downtown to the great little shops and spend our money. Right on the street, out of the blue and crowded with people, PJ opens his cell phone and shows me the picture again that he took of me and Wendi, I started laughing and he starts immitating one of my laughing attacks....he looked like he needed to be put in a home complete with his legs crossed, flinging his arms around, bent over, making faces and laughing like me (I sound like scooby doo when I laugh and i'm famous for peeing my pants when i have a laughing attack). I once peed on her trampoline at a July 4th party in front of everyone cuz i was laughing so hard when her son was flinging me around on the tramp. She had to give me her underpants and a pair of her jeans while we washed mine. hahahahaha Gawd I'm such a dork!!
Anyway...here he is on the sidewalk infront of all these people imitating me. They are literally stopping and looking at us. It was soooooooo funny!!! I go into a laughing attack and of course I'm froze in place with my legs crossed cuz if I move I'm gonna pee, head bent over and sounding like scooby doo!!!! So Wendi starts trying to help me into an antique store to find a bathroom and that made things even worse!! People were laughing and looking and staring at the spectacle we were making of ourselves. hahahahahahahaha And i of course started peeing my pants, but i did manage to get into the bathroom before I had a full blown issue. hahahaha Afterwards we all collected ourselves, we went into a Scent Chips store and the man inside says to me...."You were the girl outside peeing her pants weren't you?" OMG!!! I about died!! I turned right around and walked out of the store, leaned up against the building and proceeded to start laughing again. I'll never be able to go downtown again!! hahahaha
I think I'll go get my eyebrows done today! haha
Gosh family can really be fun... Ouch on the eyebrows. I need to do that too.
What is it about brothers and that pee power they have over sisters???? Mine used to do that to me as well. I love your story. Too cute.
I have a few friends who can do this to me. Crossed legs barely works anymore!
Oh boy! Pretty rough when even crossing your legs doesn't help! Better get a makeover before going back downtown so no one recognized you Lol!
OMG my sisters and I act like we are 10 too. We play board games and fight.... over who is the loser! LOL.....
Looks like you had a fantastic time!
i feel for you! I was laughing just picturing the whole thing take place. That was funny to read it must have been a blast to be a part of.
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