House Blessing:
Gather white sage stick or sandlewood incense, a white candle, dish of water, and a dish of salt. Place them in the middle of your house. Take the incense/sage stick to your east wall, light it saying:
Air with smoke now blow away
Unpleasant energy from this home.
Take the smoking sage/incense and walk along every wall in your house and say the chant in each room you entr. When finished set the sage in a shell or dish in the center of your house.
Take the candle to the south wall and light it saying:
Candle flame that flickers bright,
Burn negative energy with your light.
Take the dish of water to the west wall. Sprinkle the water along the wall and say:
Water wash this house and clean away
All the dirt and negativity.
Take the dish of salt to the north wall and sprinkle the salt and say:
Salt of earth, both fertile and pure,
Against negative energy, this house secure.
Stand in the center of your house, open your arms and say:
Spirits of the home and hearth,
Bless these walls and give them warmth!
Bless thewindows, roof and floor
Bring joy to those who grace my door.
Grant to all who enter here
Ease of sorrow, pain and fear.
Bring rest and comfort to the tired.
Bring ease to anger, quench it's fire.
Engulf this house with love and light
And laughter, joy and sunshine bright.
Make this home a happy place
Where all feel welcome in its space.
And see that only good befalls,
Those who live and enter within these walls.
Let the candle and the sage stick/incense burn out. Gather the items when cool and put the away.