Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm constantly trying to come up with new ideas for candles that haven't been done before. There was trouble on a ning that i belong to about one candlemaker stealing another candlemakers ideas. It's very hard to come up with new stuff that no one has because there are alot of candle makers out there and let's face it, there is only so much you can do with wax. So I'm sure alot of candlemakers products are similiar to others but that doesn't mean it was copied. :(

In my exploration of the internet, I've seen other candlemakers that have products very similiar to mine, but i don't think they copied me. And if they did, well then i'll take it as a compliment.

People just need to relax...the internet is a very large place and the competition is fierce but that doesn't mean that one is copying the other one. It's bound to happen that alot of us have similiar products.....Come on everyone, let's support each other in our businesses as women, friends and business women. If we all do that, I'm sure we would all see wonderful success.:)

I've added alot of new products to Homespun Hearts. We now have garden candles (ex: Tomato, Honeyflower) and some cool new bakery candles like mini apple cinnamon pies, new jar candles and grubby topped votives. Check em out!



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